Some factors related to diabetic peripheral polyneuropathy patient

  • Nguyen Thi Trinh Military Medical University
  • Nguyen Anh Tuan Hanoi Medical University
  • Nguyen Duc Thuan Military Medical Academy

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Polyneuropathy, diabetes mellitus


The progression of diabetes mellitus (DM) is always accompanied by chronic complications that damage multiple organs, leading to disability and even death. In which diabetic peripheral polyneuropathy is the most common complication, leading to many serious consequences. Many studies have shown that early diagnosis combined with good glycemic control and risk factors becomes the decisive strategy in the treatment of diabetic peripheral polyneuropathy. Objective: Analysis of some factors related to diabetic peripheral polyneuropathy. Subject and method: A cross-sectional study on 124 patients diagnosed with diabetic peripheral polyneuropathy at Bach Mai Hospital from July 2021 to July 2022. Result: The mean age of participants was: 64.86 ± 10.9 years, in which the proportion of men and women was 40.3% and 59.7%, respectively. Patients with moderate diabetic peripheral polyneuropathy accounted for the highest rate, 46.8%, mild lesion accounted for 34.7%, remaining 18.5% severe lesion. Some factors associated with the severity of diabetic peripheral polyneuropathy were age, BMI, DM duration, renal complication, retinal complication, and type of damage fiber. Conclusion: In our study, the percentage of patients with severe diabetic peripheral polyneuropathy was 18.5%. In which, there are six factors associated with the severity of diabetic peripheral polyneuropathy are age, BMI, DM duration, renal complication, retinal complication, and type of damage fiber.

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