Analysis of the list of drugs used at Quang Nam Provincial General Hospital in 2021

  • Trần Thị Thuận Trường Đại học Duy Tân, Đà Nẵng
  • Nguyen Minh Tuan Dong Do University
  • Nguyen Trung Ha 108 Military Central Hospital
  • Dang Huyen Trang 108 Military Central Hospital

Main Article Content


Hospital, list of hospital drugs, pharmaceutical drugs, traditional medicine


Objective: To analyze the structure of the list of drugs used at Quang Nam General Hospital in 2021. Subject and method: A retrospective study on the structure of the list of drugs used at Quang Nam General Hospital from January 1st, 2021 to December 31st, 2021. Result: The list of drugs used at QN General Hospital includes 418 HCs, 416 finished products, divided into 27 groups of pharmaceutical chemicals, vaccines, biological products and 14 groups of traditional drugs, herbal medicines, and traditional herbs; group of antibacterial (medication) and group of detoxification (traditional medicine) accounted for the highest proportion; domestic drugs accounted for 51% of the value; single-active drugs accounted for 84.78%; generic drugs accounted for 86.92% of the value; 77.24% of the drugs on the list were injections and infusions. Conclusion: The list of drugs used at Quang Nam General Hospital in 2021 meets the hospital's disease model.

Article Details


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