Analysis of list of medicines used at Hospital 199, Ministry of Public Security in 2021
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Objective: Analysis of the structure of drug groups used at Hospital 199, Ministry of Public Security. Subject and method: Retrospective structure of the list of drugs used at Hospital 199 of the Ministry of Public Security in 2021. Result: Hospital 199 used modern medicine accounting for 89.4% of the value, traditional drugs accounting for 10.6% of the value; Traditional medicines were mainly used in the Traditional Medicine Department. Pharmaceutical drugs used in this department: Antibiotics (30.5%), fever reducers, pain relievers (14.4%), and cardiovascular drugs (13.7%). At the hospital, the group treating diseases of yang and qi has the highest number of items (14.4%), the group of sedation, concentration, and nurturing the mind has the highest value (18.6%); The group of pharmaceutical drugs with the highest cost was the cardiovascular group at 23.4%, followed by the digestive diseases group at 12.6% and gout and bone and joint diseases at 11.6%. According to origin, domestic drugs accounted for 37.4% in terms of items and 33.8% in terms of value. Conclusion: The list of drugs used in 2021 at Hospital 199 combines both pharmaceutical chemistry and traditional medicine. Traditional drugs are mainly used in the traditional medicine department. The structure of medicinal and traditional medicines focuses on a few main groups of medicines: Cardiovascular, digestive, and bone and joint medicine. The rate of using imported drugs is still quite high, not consistent with the policy of prioritizing the use of drugs of domestic origin.
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