Survey on use of vancomycin at National Lung Hospital in 2021

  • Nguyen Thi Thuy National Lung Hospital
  • Dinh Thu Huong National Lung Hospital
  • La Thuy Duong National Lung Hospital
  • Lai Quang Phuong National Lung Hospital
  • Nguyen Thi Thuy National Lung Hospital

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Vancomycin, usage characteristics, nephrotoxicity


Objective: To describe the usage characteristics and nephrotoxicity of vancomycin. Subject and method: This retrospective study in inpatients treated with vancomycin at the National Lung Hospital between 01/1/2021 and 30/6/2021. Result: Out of 74 patients, 73% of patients had improved outcomes at discharge when treated with vancomycin. The median duration of vancomycin use was 10 (5-15) days. Loading dose regimen was applied in 54% of patients, ranging from 20-40mg/kg, the common maintenance dose was 1g/12h. 85% of patients are monitored renal function 1-3 times/week. Creatinine levels tended to increase after 10 days of treatment. The rate of patients experiencing nephrotoxicity was 10.8%, with 5.4% of patients at level R - risk, 1.3% of patients at level I - Injury and 4.1% of patients at level F-failure. Among patients with nephrotoxicity: 75% of patients had risk factors such as concomitant use of nephrotoxic drugs or were elderly, 80% of patients were administered vancomycin for more than 10 days. Conclusion: Vancomycin is an antibiotics that need to be managed and monitored when using. The prevalence of about 10% nephrotoxicity shows that it is necessary to develop guidelines for vancomycin use in our hospital, which include the implementation of therapeutic drug monitoring to control effective concentration and adverse event, especially nephrotoxicity.

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