Analysis of outpatient treatment compliance among patients at National Mental Hospital 2 in 2022

  • Nguyen Thi Thanh Huong HaNoi University of Pharmacy
  • Nguyen Thi Hai National Mental Hospital 2

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Adherence, factors associated, mental


Objective: To determine the treatment adherence rate and identify factors associated with treatment adherence among mental health outpatients at National Mental Hospital 2 in 2022. Subject and method: Patients with outpatient treatment records at National Mental Hospital 2 from January 1, 2022, to November 30, 2022. Data were collected from outpatient medication records and interviews with caregivers using a pre-existing questionnaire. Result: 76.5% of patients adhered to their treatment regimen. The adherence rate for patients diagnosed with psychiatric and behavioral disorders was 81.4%, while for neurological disorders, it was 62.7%. The likelihood of treatment adherence was higher in males compared to females (OR = 4.00 [95% CI: 1.81-8.87]; p<0.001). Age, duration of illness, education level, and place of residence were not found to be associated with treatment adherence. Adverse drug effects were associated with treatment adherence (OR = 3.537, 95% CI = 0.976-12.811; p<0.05). Conclusion: The treatment adherence rate for mental health outpatients at National Mental Hospital 2 in 2022 was 76.5%. Gender and medication side effects were found to be related to treatment adherence.

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