Analyze the structure of antineoplastic drugs used at 108 Military Central Hospital in 2022

  • Nguyen Khanh Huyen Military Medical University
  • Nguyen Trung Ha 108 Military Central Hospital
  • Nguyen Cam Van Military Medical Academy
  • Nguyen Duy Tam 108 Military Central Hospital

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Cancer drugs, 108 Military Central Hospital


Objective: Analyze the structure of antineoplastic drugs used at 108 Military Central Hospital in 2022. Subject and method: Using retrospective research method to analyze the structure of antineoplastic drugs used at 108 Military Central Hospital from 1st January 2022 to 31th December 2022. Result: Antineoplastic drugs included 173 items, corresponding to 7.73% of items and 23.09% of the total used value. The chemical group was the highest number of items (56.07%), accounted for 25.45% in value. The group of targeted drugs with the highest used value (70.44%), corresponding to 32.37% of items. Parenteral drugs dominated with 65.81%, foreign drugs accounted for the majority with 94.39%, brand name drugs accounted for 50.22% in value. The hospital budget was most concentrated on group A, with 75.91% by trade name and 75.31% by active element name, of which the most used active element are bevacizumab, pembrolizumab, and osimertinib. Conclusion: The study analyzed the structure of antineoplastic drugs used at 108 Military Central Hospital in 2022, on that basis to evaluate the reasonable drug choice, and ensure effectiveness in prescribing and meeting the treatment needs of patients.

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