The morphology of esophagogatric junction and lower esophageal sphincter pressure by HRM technic in patients with sliding hiatal hernia detected on endoscopy

  • Đặng Thị Lõn
  • Nguyễn Thùy Linh
  • Đào Việt Hằng
  • Đào Văn Long

Main Article Content


High resolution manometry, ower esophageal sphincter, hiatal hernia


Objective: To describe EGJ morphology and LES pressure by HRM and some associated factors in patients with sliding hiatal hernia detected on endoscopy. Subject and method: Patients with sliding hiatal on endoscopy were performed HRM at Hoang Long Clinic from June to September 2019. Endoscopy results, LES pressure, and EGJ morphology were collected and compared. Result: 36 patients who met the selection criteria. The proportions of EGJ type I, II and III were 44.4%, 27.8% and 27.8%, respectively. 27.8% of the patients had hiatal hernia on HRM. The mean LES pressure was 14.52 ± 7.86mmHg. The mean IRP-4s was 4.12 ± 3.43mmHg. 38.9% of the patients had LES hypotension and 75% of the patients had low IRP- 4s. The mean LES pressure was not differrent between genders, BMI groups, GERD Q groups, Hill classifications and EGJ types. Conclusion: The proportion of EGJ type III in sliding hiatal hernia was low. EGJ morphology and LES pressure were not associated with the Hill classification on endoscopy.

Keywords: High resolution manometry, lower esophageal sphincter, hiatal hernia.

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