Analysis of medicine list used at 5 Military Hospital in 2022

  • Bùi Thị Thu Hà Bộ Chỉ huy Quân sự tỉnh Nam Định
  • Nguyễn Quốc Huy Bệnh viện Quân y 5
  • Nguyễn Sơn Nam Bệnh viện Trung ương Quân đội 108
  • Nguyễn Thị Phương Thúy Trường Đại học Dược Hà Nội

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Medicine, ABC/VEN analysis, military hospital 5


Objective: Structural analysis of the quantity and value of drugs used at 5 Military Hospital in 2022 according to some indicators and by ABC/VEN method. Subject and method: This is a cross-sectional study covering 432 drug items distributed by the Department of Pharmacy in a hospital from 1st January 2022 to 31st December 2022. Result: The results showed that the group of pharmacological drugs accounted for the majority of 395 items and its use value was about 20.948 million VND; the group of drugs for the treatment of parasites and anti-infectives was the highest number of items with 57 items (13.19%) and 5.247 million VND (22.94%). Besides, the results also showed that, the imported drugs were used by the hospital in the treatment process, accounted for 40.53% of the use value; the single-component drugs were accounted for a high proportion of 82.03% of items and corresponded to about of 77.20% of the total use value. Meanwhile, the results shown that the oral drugs accounted for 41.57% of the total used value; the parenteral drugs had a smaller number of items used but the highest value for money accounted for 56.48% of the used value. In particular, the generic drugs accounted for 92.15% of the items and 94% of the hospital's total value of pharmaceutical drugs; and the results showed that 31 original brand name drugs were used. The structure of drugs used according to ABC classification in terms of use value: Grade A accounted for 79.96%; Grade B accounted for 15%; Grade C accounted for 5.04%. In class A drugs: The group of drugs for the treatment of parasites and anti-infectives accounted for 26.35% of the value of use. The group of drugs with high cost but not essential (AN) included 9 items with the use value accounting for 7.08% corresponding to about 1.621,5 milliion VND. Conclusion: The structure used at 5 Military Hospital is relatively reasonable. However, the hospital needs to increase the use of domestically produced drugs and reduce AN drugs accordingly.

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