Evaluation of multimodal therapy of inoperable hepatocellular carcinoma at Phu Tho General Hospital in the period of 2020-2022

  • Phạm Tiến Chung Bệnh viện Đa khoa tỉnh Phú Thọ

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HCC, TACE, radiotherapy


Objective: To describe the initial results of multimodal therapy inoperable hepatocellular carcinoma by post-TACE radiotherapy at Phu Tho General Hospital from October 2020 to October 2022. Subject and method: HCC patients who are inoperable stage, treated with post-TACE radiotherapy at Phu Tho General Hospital from October 2020 to October 2022, method: A cross-sectional descriptive study. Result: There were 45 HCC patients treated with post-TACE radiotherapy: After 3 months, patient’s pain decreased from 86.7% to 13.3%. Treatment response rate was 93.3%, in which 20% of patients had a complete respond and 73.3% of patients had a partial respond. Mean survival time: 16.8 ± 1.4 (months), the overall survival rate at 6 months, 12 months, 18 months were 93.3%, 86.6%, 68,8%, respectively. Rate of recurrence liver (26.7%), metastasis including lung (26.7%), bone (6.7%). Conclusion: Post TACE radiotherapy shows a good initial results, further research is needed to confirm the effectiveness of the regimen.

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