Ameloblastic carcinoma with lung metastasis - Case report and related documentation review

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Ameloblastoma, ameloblastic carcinoma, metastases


Ameloblastic Carcinoma (AC) is a rare, malignancy of the odontoblastoma epithelium that usually begins in the jawbone. Tumors arise from the epithelium that forms tooth enamel and are often classified as dental tumours. The developmental morphology of the enamel epithelium is similar to that of the developing tooth germ and is distinctive enough to distinguish it from other malignant epithelium. The mandible is the most common site for the development of AC; it is found in the upper jaw; extremely rare in the anterior skull base. Symptoms may include progressive jaw pain and swelling. Bleeding gums and headaches may also occur. Some have no symptoms. Diagnosis of the disease is usually based on the results of histopathology and immunohistochemistry.     AC is often highly malignant and can metastasize to other areas of the body, especially the lungs. Bone, liver, and brain are also common sites of metastasis. Treatment of primary tumors is mainly by surgery, local radiotherapy; Chemotherapy and adjuvant immunotherapy have not yet proven effective in treatment. The disease often recurs and persists with local spread, and patients often die from secondary causes.    We introduce a case of AC with lung metastases for examination and treatment at the National Lung Hospital with the desire to add to the literature of this rare disease and recommend an approach to diagnosis and treatment of this disease.

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