The adherence of outpatient treatment for patients with type 2 diabetes at 108 Military Central Hospital

  • Nhữ Thị Chín Bệnh viện Trung ương Quân đội 108

Main Article Content


Patients, diabetes, treatment adherence, knowledge of treatment adherence


Objective: To review the adherence of outpatient treatment for patients with type 2 diabetes at 108 Military Central Hospital and some factors related to treatment adherence. Subject and method: A cross-sectional descriptive study for patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at the center. Result: The rate of male was higher than female (65.6% versus 34.4%). Mean age was 66.89 years old; the disease duration < 5 years was 43.5%; 47.4% 5-10 years; 95.1% having comorbidities. Knowledge about treatment adherence constituted 97.1%. Knowledge of adherence with physical activity accounted for 49.2%. Knowledge of adherence with blood sugar test reached 82.3. Knowledge of 4 measures of adherence to diabetes treatment was at 49.7%. Knowledge of consequences of non-adherence to treatment reached 77.9%. The percentage of reaching satisfactory grade of general knowledge about treatment adherence was 76.8% and not reaching was 23.2%. Practice adherence to each treatment measure of the study group: Nutritional adherence (90.9%); adherence with physical activity (60.4%), adherence to medication (84.4%). Adherence with glycemic control (40.6%). General treatment adherence practice of the study group: The rate of adherence to all 4 treatment regimens accounted reached 22.1%; adherence with 3 treatment regimens accounted for 41.4%; compliance with 2 regimes was at 27.6%; adherence with 1 treatment regimen constituted 8.3% and non-compliance with any regimen left with 0.5%. Conclusion: Relationship between education level, the disease duration with knowledge of treatment adherence, p<0.05: There is a relationship between medication adherence practice and knowledge of treatment adherence with p<0.05.

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