Evaluation of the results of diagnosis and surgical treatment of metastatic spine cancer at K Hospital

  • Nguyễn Đức Liên Bệnh viện K
  • Nguyễn Văn Linh Bệnh viện K

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Objective: To evaluate the results of diagnosis and surgical treatment of metastatic spine cancer at K Hospital. Subject and method: A descriptive, retrospective and prospective study of 47 patients undergoing surgical treatment for metastatic spine cancer at K Hospital, from 6/2019 to 5/2022. Patients were re-examined 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months after treatment. Result: Mean age 53.9 ± 12.4. Female/male ratio: 1.35/1. The highest source of primary cancer was in lung (29.8%) and breast (29.8%). Movement disorders (40.4%), sensory disturbances (53.2%), urinary retention (6.4%), pain at damaged vertebrae (100%). Position: Cervical spine (25.5%), thoracic spine (38.2%), lumbar or sacral spine (36.3%). Surgery: Tumor removal and spinal screws (61.7%), removal of the entire vertebral body with metastatic tumor (14.9%), tumor biopsy and kyphoplasty (23.4%). Adjuvant treatment after surgery (76.6%): 25.5% chemotherapy, (10.6%) radiation therapy, 32% chemotherapy radiotherapy, (6.4%) surgery and I-131, (2.1%) surgery and radiation therapy; 23.4% palliative care treatment. After 1 month of treatment: 89.4% KPS ≥ 80, (89.4%) no pain or mild pain, (78.7%) ASIA grade E. 12 months after surgery: (38.3%) KPS ≥ 80, (36.2%) no pain or mild pain, (38.3%) ASIA grade E. The overall survival rate after surgery 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months respectively were 97.9%, 83%, 70.2% and 46.8%. Conclusion: Surgery is a treatment method to improve early neurological symptoms in patients with metastatic cancer of the spine with spinal instability or spinal cord compression

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