Evaluation of the treatment results of sacrococcygeal chordoma: 23 cases in 14 years

  • Nguyễn Duy Thụy Bệnh viện Trung ương Quân đội 108
  • Phạm Trọng Thoan Bệnh viện Trung ương Quân đội 108
  • Phan Trọng Hậu Bệnh viện Trung ương Quân đội 108

Main Article Content


Chordoma, sacral bone resection surgery, intensity-modulated radiation therapy


Objective: To evaluate the functional outcomes after surgical treatment    and radiation therapy in patients with sacrococcygeal chordoma. Subject and method: A retrospective study of twenty-three consecutive patients underwent sacral resections for tumor at our institution between 2008 and 2022. Radiation therapy was used in conjunction with 8 of the 23 surgical procedures. Result: After mean follow-up 21.9 months (range 9-84 months), the overall functional results for sacral nerve roots were decreased significantly, especially in terms of urination and defecation functions. The overall outcome score for evaluation of sacral nerve function at pre-opeative €and the last follow-up time were 6.87 and 5.79, respectively. Intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) was performed in all recurrent tumors with a mean dose 60Gy. The rate of complications was 25%, mostly releated to the wound. The recurrent percentage was 52.6% generally. Conclusion: Chordomas are primary malignant tumors of the axis skeleton that are tradtionnally considered slowly growing, locally invasive neoplasms. The optimal treatment for sacral tumors should be en bloc resection of the tumor performed through intact bone a level above by a posterior surgical approach. Although this tumor is radioresistant, external radiation therapy has been advotated both for palliation of recurrent tumors and for otherwise inoperable lesions.

Article Details


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