Evaluation of the results of surgical treatment for spinal fractures in the thoracic - lumbar segment with instability by pedicle screws

  • Bùi Thanh Hoàng Bệnh viện Quân y 7A
  • Lê Quang Trí Bệnh viện Quân y 7A

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Thoracic-lumbar spine fracture, pedicle screw technique


Objective: To evaluate the surgical results of the thoracic-lumbar spine fracture due to trauma by using pedicle screw technique. Subject and method: Prospective describing, interventional study, evaluating results on 33 patients with confirmed diagnosis of low thoracic and single-stage lumbar spine fractures, who underwent surgery to correct, fixate, and decompress back entrance at 7A Military Hospital from September 2017 to September 2020.        Result: The rate of fracture at the hinge segment of the thoracic-lumbar spine accounted for the majority (81.81%), burst fracture at 45.45%. The degree of decrease in the anterior column height of the body before surgery was 53.69 ± 13.78%, this rate after surgery was reduced to 30.66 ± 13.03%, and at the last visit was 28.09 ± 12.37%. Cobb angle before surgery was 17 ± 9.23°, this ratio after surgery decreased to 8.9 ± 5.33° and at the last visit was 8.33 ± 5°. The rate of nerve recovery after 12.47 months was 91.66%. The results of labor recovery degree I and II occupied mainly with the rate of 90.91%. Complications had a low rate of 3.03%; On average after 12.47 months, there was no case of screw brace fracture.       Conclusion: Surgical trauma of the thoracic-lumbar spine unstable by pedicle screws for manipulation and maintenance of stable traumatic spinal structure, high rate of nerve recovery.

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