Evaluating knowledge and complianee with hand hygiene of the nurses at 121 Military Hospital

  • Dương Văn Ghỉ Bệnh viện Quân y 121

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Hand hygiene, nurse


Objective: To evaluate the knowledge, compliance with hand hygiene of the nurses at 121 Military Hospital from 5/2018-9/2018. Subject and method: The descriptive cross-sectional study had been done at 121 Military Hospital, investigated in 138 nurses clinics had 1864 opportunities for hand hygiene. Delivering questionnaires, observing performance on hand hygiene practices of nurses. Result: The results showed that 88.4% of nurses listed an correct routine hand hygiene procedure; 85.5% of nurses listed an correct the moments for hand hygiene. The rates of compliance sufficiently 5 moments for hand hygiene: Routine hand hygiene (64.5%); before cleaning and aseptic procedures (89.9%); after contact with patient fluids (100%); after touching a patient (61.6%), after touching patient surroundings (60.9%). The rates of non-compliance hand hygiene: Before touching a patient (5.8%); after touching a patient (11.6%). The rates of compliance hand hygiene of the nurses in the ICU was 91.7%; general surgery dept (85.9%); general medical/medicine dept (68.6%). Conclusion: The rates of compliance hand hygiene of the nurses at 121 Military Hospital is so good: ICU (91.7%); general surgery dept (85.9%); general medical/medicine dept (68.6%). 88.4% of nurses listed an correct routine hand hygiene procedure and 88.5% of nurses listed an correct the moments for hand hygiene.

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