Assessment of knowledge, attitudes and treatment adherence practices of epilepsy patients treated at 17 Military Hospital

  • Trần Lý Bệnh viện Quân y 17
  • Nguyễn Văn Quốc Bệnh viện Quân y 17

Main Article Content


Epilepsy, knowledge, attitude, treatment adherence practices


Objective: To assess knowledge, attitude and adherence practice and investigate the relationship between knowledge, attitude and adherence practice in epilepsy patients. Subject and method: A cross-sectional descriptive study, including 61 patients diagnosed with epilepsy for outpatient examination and treatment at 17 Military Hospital, Da Nang, collected data including age and gender information, epilepsy characteristics, knowledge, attitude, and adherence to treatment of epilepsy patients. Result: The right knowledge about disease and compliance with epilepsy treatment was 62.3%; The attitude consistent with adherence to treatment was 52.5%; As a result, 45.9% of patients were successfully treated. There was a relationship between knowledge and adherence to treatment (p=0.016). Patients who have gained knowledge will practice adherence higher than 3.9 times (CI: 1.26 - 12.08) patients with no knowledge. There was a relationship between attitude and reality. Comply with treatment (p=0.026). Patients with reasonable attitudes will practice treatment adherence 3.2 times higher (CI: 1.13 - 9.34) times than patients with unreasonable attitudes. Conclusion: The right knowledge is 62.5%, the right attitude is 52.5% and the treatment adherence practice reaches 45.9%. There is a relationship between knowledge, attitude and adherence to treatment.

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