Evaluation of communication skills of nurses at the Clinic for Senior Officers, 108 Military Central HospitalStudy on the characteristics of primary knee osteoarthritis and the relationship between the degree of osteoarthritis with comorbidities

  • Nguyễn Thị Thúy Nga Bệnh viện Trung ương Quân đội 108
  • Nguyen Thi Thuy Linh 108 Military Central Hospital
  • Dinh Thi Tuyet 108 Military Central Hospital
  • Phuong Thi Huong 108 Military Central Hospital
  • Nguyen Phuc Nhan 108 Military Central Hospital
  • Nguyen Viet Khoa 108 Military Central Hospital
  • Tran Hong Nghi 108 Military Central Hospital

Main Article Content


Knee osteoarthritis, comorbidities


Objective: To describe the characteristics of primary knee osteoarthritis and the relationship between the degree of osteoarthritis (OA) with comorbidities. Subject and method: 360 patients primary knee osteoarthritis, clinically examined, research accompanying diseases, anthropometric measurements, tests, assessment degree of OA, analysis the relationship between the degree of OA with comorbidities, method of cross-sectional description. Result: Average age 63.29 ± 11.20 years; women 74.4%; average weight 57.84 ± 9.41; BMI 23.48 ± 3.12; OA stage 1, 2 with 304 patients (84.4%), stage 3, 4 with 56 patients (15.6%), Overweight and obese patients had 198/360 (55%), diabetes had 66/360 (18.3%); hypertension had 155/360 (43%), patients had waist circumference increased 237/360 (65.8%), cholesterol increase was 177/259 (68.3%), triglyceride increase was 134/298 (45%), the low HDL-C was 113/226 (50%). The rate of patients with elderly, increased waist circumference, obesity, hypertension, increased triglycerides and decreased HDL-C increase in the group OA stage 3, 4. Conclusion: Patients with primary OA are mainly female, older; weight, waist circumference and BMI increase. The rate of comorbidities: Waist circumference increased; hypertension, dyslipidemia, obesity tends to increase in the severely OA.

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