Survey of antibiotic use and cost of bronchopulmonary treatment in Children at Department of Peadiatrics, the 108 Military Central Hospital

  • Mai Thị Nhung Bệnh viện Trung ương Quân đội 108
  • Le Thi Hang 108 Military Central Hospital
  • Nguyen Thi Thuy 108 Military Central Hospital
  • Trinh Thi Thuy 108 Military Central Hospital
  • Trinh Thi Thu Chung 108 Military Central Hospital

Main Article Content


Pneumonial, children, cost, 108 Military Central Hospital


 Objective: To survey the situation antibiotic use and assess cost of direct bronchopulmonary treatment in children at Department of Peadiatrics, the 108 Military Central Hospital. Subject and method: The retrospective, cross-sectional study was conducted on 140 patients with bronchopulmonary. Result: There were 140 patients and were divided into 2 groups: Group 1 - 131 mild and moderate patients, group 2-09 severe patients. Antibiotic usage history of both groups were in high (49.6% & 55.6%), the most common antibiotics were cephalosporins (97.9%). The average cost for a course of group 1 was 2,561,657 VND, group 2 was 3,118,206 VND. In which, that the costs of hospital beds accounts shows for the highest proportion, then comes the cost of medicines and diagnostics. Conclusion: To reduce the treatment cost, parents should bring the children to the doctor early when the child had cough, fever or shortness of breath. Do not use antibiotics without prescription.

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