Evaluation of results of the implementation of medical solid waste management at 103 Central Hospital of Lao People's Army in 2019-2021

  • Chăn Sạ Mon Văn La Sy Bệnh viện Trung ương 103 Quân đội Nhân dân Lào

Main Article Content


Medical waste, management, infectious waste, sharp waste


Objective: To evaluate the knowledge and results of effective implementation of a number of medical solid waste management measures at the 103 Central Hospital of Lao People's Army from 2019-2021. Subject and method: A cross-sectional descriptive study assessing the knowledge of medical staff on solid waste management. The prospective study evaluates the results of implementing measures to strengthen solid waste management medical staff at 103 Central Hospital of Lao People's Army from January 1, 2019 to December 30, 2021. Result: There were 399 health workers participating in interviews to assess knowledge related to medical waste management: The percentage of health workers who achieved identification was 62.2%, the classification principle was 79.5%, infectious waste collection was 57.6%, in terms of transport and hazardous waste treatment was 69.4% and 70.7%. The hospital had increased the means of collecting, transporting and treating medical solid waste in accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of Health and the Lao Military Medical Department. Conclusion: It is necessary to continue to strengthen training to improve knowledge for medical staff on medical solid waste management at the Hospital. At the same time, continue to well implement measures on medical solid waste management at the hospital, especially hazardous waste.

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