Evaluate the performance in controlling outbreak and management of COVID-19 patients at 103 Central Hospital - Lao People's Army (March 2020 - May 2022)

  • Amphone Phommatha Bệnh viện Trung ương 103 Quân đội Nhân dân Lào

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COVID-19, 103 Central Hospital - Lao People's Army, COVID-19 pandemic


The 103 Central Hospital - Lao People's Army, is a medical unit involved in management of the COVID-19 pandemic including screening, testing, classification, isolation, treatment, advanced life support, as well as vaccination of military personnel and civilians against COVID-19. During the three COVID-19 outbreaks in Lao, the 103 Central Hospital - Lao People's Army performed its assigned tasks well. The hospital deployed 18 specialized work groups with 365 medical staffs (doctors and nurses); triaged 281,808 people in the hospital (registering, taking temperatures, testing patients suspected cases); isolated and treated 1,809 COVID-19 patients with 489 close contact cases. Among them (865 men, 944 women, 200 children). 1,741 cases were cured and 68 died. The hospital performed 22 emergency surgeries, 58 hemodialyses, tested 381,416 individuals for COVID-19, performed the first vaccination in 13,760 individuals, the second dose in 13,330 individuals, and the third dose in 28,298 individuals, sprayed disinfectant 2,361 times, and cared for 68 COVID-19 cadavers. In addition, the hospital examined and treated 19,611 people on a normal basis, examined and treated 16,098 people on an emergency basis, treated 24,350 inpatients, and performed 6,378 emergency surgeries on people who were not COVID-19 patients. The hospital also organized a specialized team that managed the support of domestic and foreign social organizations with medicines, medical supplies, and food and ensured good logistics for medical staff and patients during the COVID-19 outbreak.

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1. Báo cáo hàng ngày về dịch COVID-19 của Bộ Y tế Lào.
2. Thống kê tình hình COVID-19 hàng ngày của Viện vệ sinh dịch tễ.
3. Bài thống kê báo cáo phân loại, khám và điêu trị bệnh COVID-19 của Bệnh viện Trung ương 103 QĐND Lào.
4. httph:///www.worldomers.info/coronavirus/
5. httph:///www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/geographical-distribution-2019-ncov-cases.