Evaluation of characteristics of sarcopenia by the formula of Ishii in the type 2 diabetes mellitus

  • Vu Minh Phuc National Hospital of Endocrinology
  • Nguyễn Thị Phi Nga Học viện Quân Y
  • Phạm Thúy Hường Bệnh viện Quân y 103

Main Article Content


Sarcopenia, type 2 diabetes millitus, formula of Ishii


Objective: To evaluate of characteristics of sarcopenia by the formula of Ishii in the type 2 diabetes mellitus. Subject and method: A cross-sectional study on 479 patients type 2 diabetes mellitus admitted at the National Hospital of Endocrinology and the 103 Military Hospital from January 2022 to May 2022. Result: The average age of the research group was là 66.56 ± 8.84 (males: 66.70 ± 9.31, females: 66.44 ± 8.38); The average handgrip strengh was 27.67 ± 8.48kg (males: 33.11 ± 8.01, females: 22.55 ± 5.03); The average calf circumference was 33.84 ± 2.92cm (males: 34.54 ± 2.79, females: 33.18 ± 2.89). The prevalence of sarcopenia was 22.8% (males: 29.3% and females: 16.6%); in group < 60 ages: 6.9%, ≥ 60 ages: 27.8%; in group > 10 years: 28.6%, ≤ 10 years: 17.0%; in group hypertension: 26.9%, nonhypertension: 17.5%; in group BMI ≤ 22.5: 31.1%, BMI > 22.5: 17.3%; in group eGFR < 60ml/min/1.73m2: 39.3%, ≥ 60ml/min/1.73m2: 7.6%. Conclusion: The prevalence of sarcopenia was 22.8% (males: 29.3% and females: 16.6%). It related to age, duration of diabetes, eGFR, hypertension, BMI; not related to  blood glucose, HbA1c, living area and educational status.

Article Details


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