Application of AMROMICS bioinformatics tool to automatic analysis of bacterial whole genome sequencing data

  • Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Anh Học viện Quân y
  • Hoàng Thu Trang Đại học KHTN, Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội
  • Lê Phương Thảo Quyên Học viện Quân y
  • Trần Tiến Mạnh Học viện Quân y
  • Trần Trung Kiên Học viện Quân y
  • Bùi Đức Nam Học viện Quân y
  • Hoàng Nhật Đức Học viện Quân y
  • Hồ Hữu Thọ Học viện Quân y

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AMROMICS, sequencing analysis, whole genome, bacteria, drug resistance


Objective: To investigate initially the application of the AMROMICS bioinformatics tool in the automatic analysis of bacterial genomes. Subject and method: Whole-genome analysis of 14 E. coli isolates and the standard E. coli K-12 MG1655 strain published on NCBI database using the AMROMICS bioinformatics tool. Result: AMROMICS automatically analyzed the entire genome of 15 bacterial samples in a short time, and simultaneously showed genome structure, sequence type, virulence gene, and resistance gene with a simple and easy-to-use interface. Most strains could be multi-drug resistant bacteria and harbor genes associated with resistance to commonly used antibiotics such as cephalosporin, quinolone and aminoglycoside. Conclusion: The AMROMICS tool has the potential for clinical application, with the ability to quickly determine drug-resistant genes and virulence genes, AMROMICS can be applied in developing effective treatments regimens and infection control measures.

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