Diagnosis and treatment issue of hepatocellular carcinoma at the Oncology Department of Thai Nguyen C Hospital

  • Doan Van Khuong Oncology Department of Thai Nguyen C Hospital
  • Nguyễn Duy Hưng Bệnh viện C Thái Nguyên

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Liver cancer, provincial hospital


Objective: To evaluate the pathological diagnosis and results of treatment for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Subject and method: Retrospective description of 45 patients with HCC at the Oncology Department of Thai Nguyen C Hospital in 2020. Result: All PTs were included in 9 female PTs, 36 PTs male. The stage was distributed as intermediate stage (B): 42.2%, progressive stage (C): 28.9%, late stage (D): 15.6%, early stage (A): 8.9%, very early stage (0): 4.4%. Shifting higher level: 75.6%, Palliative care in the Department: 17.8%. PTs who refused the treatment: 6.6%. K Hospital received the most transfers: 55.9%, Bach Mai Hospital: 29.4%, 108 Military Central Hospital: 8.8%. Viet Duc Hospital: 5.9%. Conclusion: The ability of HCC diagnosis is acceptable, but it is hard to treat, in Thai Nguyen C Hospital.

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