The initial effectiveness of FLAIR-DWI mismatch guided intravenous alteplase for ischemic stroke with unknown time of onset

  • Nguyen Dang Hai 103 Military Hospital
  • Phung Anh Tuan 103 Military Hospital

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Stroke with unknown time of onset, thrombolysis


Objective: To evaluate the initial effectiveness of FLAIR-DWI mismatch guided intravenous alteplase therapy (IAT) for ischemic stroke with unknown time of onset (ISUTO). Subject and method: Descriptive, cross-sectional studies combined with longitudinal study (outcome at 90 days). 10 cases of ischemic stroke with unknown time of onset who met the criteria for intravenous alteplase therapy (IAT), clinical monitoring, mismatch FLAIR-DWI, is identified the presence of a visible ischemic lesion on diffusion- weighted imaging, combined with the absence of a clearly visible hyperintense signal in the same region on fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR). Result: The mean of age: 70.3 ± 13.6, male to female ratio: 8/2. NIHSS score: before bolus alteplase, after 1 hour, after 24 hours and upon discharge (8.4 ± 2.6, 6.1 ± 11.6, 5.7 ± 11.8, 6.0 ± 12.7, respectively), NIHSS score decreased ≥ 4: 8/10 cases. The period of hospitalization in ISUTO group was 7.1 ± 3.9 days. Outcome at 90 days, mRS 0 - 2: 8 cases; mRS 3 - 5: 1 case, death: 1 case (due to coronary disease). Conclusion: The FLAIR-DWI guided intravenous alteplase therapy for ischemic stroke with unknown time of onset would has potential benefits.

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