Evaluation of analgesia postoperative efficiency of knee arthroscopy surgery of ultrasound - guided continuous femoral nerve block and single shot sciatic nerve block

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Femoral nerve block, sciatic nerve block, epidural analgesia, knee arthroscopy surgery.


Objective: Comparative study of ultrasound - guided continuous femoral nerve block and single shot sciatic nerve block with epidural analgesia for pain relief following  the knee arthroscopy surgery. Subject and method: A randomized controlled clinical trial, 60 patients with knee arthroscopy surgery were divided into 2 groups: Group 1 received epidural anesthesia, group 2 received continuous femoral nerve blockade and single shot sciatic nerve block for postoperative anesthesia. Result: The mean VAS pain at rest and movement of the two groups was similar at most of the research time. Quality analgesia was excellent and good was 93.3% in the continuous femoral nerve blockade and single shot sciatic nerve block group compared with 96.7% in the epidural group. The rate of successful anesthesia was 100% compared to 96.7% in the epidural group. Conclusion: Ultrasound - guided continuous femoral nerve blockade and single shot sciatic nerve block have been shown to be effective as well as epidural analgesia for pain relief following the knee arthroscopy surgery.

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